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make a long story short中文是什么意思

用"make a long story short"造句"make a long story short"怎么读"make a long story short" in a sentence


  • 长话短说, 简而言之


  • To make a long story short , he is a very talkative person
  • To make a long story short , " yes , design does matter !
    开门见山地说: “设计也很重要” 。
  • To make a long story short , he ' s really an excellent engineer
  • A : to make a long story short , he ' s really an excellent engineer
  • To make a long story short . i ' m already locked into something else
  • Our mission is to get it back . - to make a long story short
  • Make a long story short , jack , he wound up with a semicirc
    长话短说吧,杰克. . .他最后割了一半包皮
  • - our mission is to get it back . - to make a long story short . .
  • To make a long story short , what this man really wants is money
    (总而言之,这男人所要的,就是钱。 )
  • Our mission is to get it back . - to make a long story short . .
    我们的任务就是把它夺回来-省的夜长梦多. .
  • 更多例句:  1  2
用"make a long story short"造句  


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